Jaunākie raksti

svētdiena, 2025. gada 2. februāris

Atvadoties no Māra Ķirsona


Kāda kundze no Mērsraga draudzes reiz Mārim novēlēja Dieva svētību un teica: “Jūs man liekas kā tāds īsts mācitājs”. Dažs labs mācītājs tādā brīdī teiktu: “Paldies par laipnu vārdu!” vai “Pateicība Dievam!” Vai jūs varat iztēloties Māra atbildi? Viņš svarīgi paziņoja: “Johaidī! Tā man vēl neviens nav teicis!” Tik raksturīgi Mārim, ka gluži vai varam saklausīt neatkārtojamo toni un izteiksmi, kādā viņš to saka. Māris neiekļāvās ierastā mācītāja tēlā, tomēr bija īsts - kā nenoslīpēts un nenopulēts tīrradnis. 

Huligāns, labsirdīgais, romantiskais, šerpais, taisnīgais, atklātais, nepacietīgais un reizē pacietīgais, dedzīgais, komforta cienītājs, gardēdis,  pavēlošais, brīvais no aizspriedumiem -  Māris! Savā dzīvē neesmu sastapusi nevienu cilvēku, kurš absolūti neuztraucās, ko par viņu domā citi. Brīvs domāt, brīvs izteikties, brīvs rīkoties! Tā par viņu saka Irēna, līdzgaitniece dzīves ceļā, kam Māris reiz teica: “Tu man esi tikusi vistuvāk klāt.” 

Ventonis no saviem Kovboja zābakiem līdz deķeļa divkāršajam lietuvēna krustam un ar cigāru zobos – tā viņu atceras korporācijas biedrs Mārtiņš. Studentu korporācijā Ventonia  Māris iesaistījās 1960. gadā un aktīvi piedalījās pasākumos arī pēc pārcelšanās uz dzīvi Latvijā. Vīnu un alu nedzēra, bet cigāru gan kūpināja. “Māris nebija no paklausīgajiem, viņš mierīgi varēja noraut STOP - krānu vilcienam, kurš sācis kustēties, lai visi paspētu iekāpt. Viņš bija kā Rīgas pašpuika, tikai uzaudzis Čikāgā. Tur vienmēr esot bijusi velosipēda ķēde kabatā ja nu sanāk kauties ar citādi domājošiem no blakus kvartāla.” Māris esot jokojis, ka korporācija ir labdabīga mafijas tipa organizācija, uzsverot – labdabīga!  Tā atceras Mārtiņš.

Māris nepielāgojās un neizlikās. Kā domāja, tā teica. Viņš bija tas Dieva bērns, kurš redzēja un arī pateica, kad karalis ir kails. Viņš varēja pretinieku uzslavēt un draugam likt trūkties – un, protams, arī pavāram par slikti pagatavotu steiku vai saldēdienu. Atceros, kā reiz viņš man teica – tu mani negribētu sev par ienaidnieku. Tur viņam bija taisnība. Lai arī ne vienā vien jautājumā mums uzskati atšķīrās, es par viņu labāk domāju kā par draugu un darba biedru. Viņš mēdza būt tiešs un reizēm sarkastisks, taču ar Māri es varēju būt drošs par vienu lietu – viņš neko nedarīs aiz muguras. Intrigas viņš nevarēja ciest.

Ja nepatika koncerts vai izrāde, Māris tur nesēdēja tāpēc, ka par biļeti samaksāts, bet sāka grozīties un nopūsties un teikt savu parasto: “Man šitais sāk apnikt!” Un tad cēlās un gāja prom. Gribot vai negribot, bija jāiet arī tiem, kas bija kopā ar viņu.  Uz viņu varēja dusmoties, bet tajā pašā lakā gribējās smieties, jo brīžiem Māris esot varējis būt kā mazs puika, kurš piecērt kāju – es gribu tā! Viņam bija grūti atzīt, ka ir kļūdījies un lūgt piedošanu. Katru reizi tas nāca ar lielām grūtībām. 

Māris bija interesants sarunu biedrs, un cienīja viedus cilvēkus, taču kompānijās diez ko daudz nerunāja. Ja ko teica tad īsi un trāpīgi, kā naglai uz galvas. Neskatoties uz jokiem un asprātībām viņš lēti nevienu savā dzīvē neielaida. Arī tas savā veidā bija valdzinoši. Kultūrai Māris vienmēr turēja roku uz pulsa. Teātri un mūziku viņš mīlēja īpaši. Viņu valdzināja Elīnas Garančas balss un Raimondu Paulu viņš apbrīnoja ne tikai mūzikas dēļ, bet arī kā unikālu piemēru tam, kā cilvēks ir spējis kļūt atpestīts no atkarības valgiem. Pēc dievkalpojuma ērģelniece vienmēr nospēlēja vai nodziedāja papildus skaņdarbu. Mācītājs Māris ar acu skatienu prata palūgt vai pieprasīt kādus 3 skaņdarbus. Tādos brīžos varēja redzēt viņa “iekšējo bērnu”.

No kultūras notikumiem Māri varēja iepriecināt filmas “Straume” panākumi, jo viņam ļoti patika kaķi. Viena no retajām reizēm, kad Māri redzēja raudam, bija tad, kad nācās iemidzināt viņa balto kaķīti Bjanko, kas viņam atceļoja līdzi no Kanādas. Viņam mācītājs Māris veltīja svētdienas sprediķi. Laukos, mīļajā Latgalē viņš sēdēja uz terases, pīpēja cigāru un vietējie lauku kaķi nāca mieloties ar viņa gādātajiem labumiem. Māris teica: paskaties uz kaķiem - lai cik nošņurcis, bet aste gaisā un galva augšā. Lepni iet. Varbūt tā bija viņa paša pieeja dzīvei? Taču Mārim uznāca arī “pazušanas dienas”, kad viņš nezvanīja, nerakstīja – pilnīgs klusums. Kaut kāda grūtsirdība, pārdomas… 

Bet kopumā Māris prata svinēt dzīvi. Viņš stādīja puķes, sevišķi rozes un pēc tam tās fotografēja. Viņam patika liliju smarža, sevišķi uz altāra.  Viņš bija izmeklēts gardēdis. Ierādīja draugiem kā jāēd austeres, lai tas būtu tā - pa smalko. Un franču sīpolzupu ar kanādiešu tostermaizi, kas cepta ar kļavu sīrupu. Un viegli izceptu steiku. Bet nesmādēja arī latviskos zirņus ar speķi vai karbonādi. Māris prata ēdienu ne tikai baudīt, bet arī to pagatavot un izpausties visā savā gardēža krāšņumā. Un kur tad vēl kūkas un krembrulē! Vai caffe americano, vai latte ar cigāru iecienītajā Ķuzes kafejnīcā. Vai pie Mērsraga bākas.

Jā, cigāri…  Tie Mārim bija kā piederums pie tēla un drusku kā spēle. Lai gan viņš zināja, ka tā īsti nav mana lieta, viņš man dāvināja cigāru ik reizi, kad iegriezās pie manis kancelejā, un teica, ka mums reiz vajadzētu “pakūpināt to vīraku kopā.” Man dāvinātie cigāri gan parasti nonāca pie mākslinieka Jura Jurjāna un varbūt ir iekūpējuši kādā krāšņā gleznā. Māris mēdza teikt, ka labākais nobrauciens ar slēpēm esot dienas beigās. Kalna galā aizkūpina labu cigāru un laižas lejā ... un tā līdz kalna pakājei tā lieta ir darīta un cigārs ir galā.

Uz slaloma slēpēm Māris nostājās kādu 50 gadu vecumā un tā aizrāvās, ka draudzē bijusi noruna ziemas laikā, pirmdienā nemirt un neprecēties, jo tad mācītājs slēpo. Viņš bija liels sporta, īpaši hokeja līdzjutējs un labi pazina šo spēli. Baznīcu nakts pasākumā Mērsraga baznīcā visi skatījās pasaules čempionāta pusfinālu starp Latvijas un Kanādas hokeja izlasēm. Nez’, kurai no tām Māris sirdī juta līdzi?Lielāko dzīves daļu Māris nodzīvoja Kanādā un sevišķi Amerikā, kuru mīlēja līdz beigām. Viņš piedzima Latvijā, Jaunaucē. Māra tēvs bija mācītājs, mamma – Kaucmindes skolas absolvente un aizsargu organizācijas dalībniece. Zinot, ka noteikti nonāks izsūtāmo latviešu sarakstā, kara laikā devās trimdā uz Vāciju un vēlāk uz Ameriku. 

Izvešanu piemiņai veltītos dievkalpojumos mācītājs Māris draudzes vidū atcerējās savas ģimenes likteni: 1941.gada jūnijā bija dota pavēle izvest tēvu, māti, pašu Māri, kuram tajā laikā bija 6 mēneši, bet ģimene paspēja paslēpties rudzu laukā, jo viņus pabrīdināja. “Ko es kā pusgadu vecs bērns biju noziedzies?” mācītājam, par to stāstot, aizlūza balss. Šim stiprajam vīram acīs bija asaras. Mēs tajā brīdī sajutām visas savas tautas sāpi – atceras Mērsraga draudzes ļaudis. No pirmajiem dzīves gadiem Latvijā viņš atcerējās prombraukšanu. "No Jaunauces uz Liepāju ar zirgu aizbraucām. Bija nakts. Priekšā bija milzīgs kuģis ar mazām trepītēm. Mamma šausminājās, kā pa tādām var uzkāpt. Jūrnieks, kam bija viena roka, paņēma mani un uznesa augšā,"  tā Māris stāstīja  Latvijas Radio.

Trimdā Māris pabeidza filozofijas, vēstures un teoloģijas studijas. Palika pie teoloģijas. Pēc ordinācijas mācītāja amatā viņš kalpoja Latvijas Evaņģēliski luteriskās baznīcas ārpus Latvijas (tagad -  Pasaulē) draudzēs dažādās Ziemeļamerikas pilsētās – Filadelfijā, Čikāgā, Otavā, Monreālā un Kalgari. Savulaik viņš darbojās arī LELBA pārvaldē. Māris bija viens no latviešu trimdas mācītājiem, kuriem Latvija un tās baznīca interesēja neviltoti un nesavtīgi. Viņš neko negribēja te iegūt vai pārņemt, bet tikai dot un kalpot. Viņš bija viens no tiem, kas meklēja tikšanos, brauca ciemos, piedalījās 3X3 nometnēs, atbalstīja un palīdzēja kā vien spēja. 

Pēc 70 gadiem viņš atgriezās Latvijā uz pastāvīgu dzīvi un desmit gadus kalpoja mūsu baznīcas Mērsraga draudzē. Un, protams, arī tas ar Māri nebija kā ar citiem cilvēkiem. Mums ir kārtība, ka mācītājs, kurš no citas baznīcas pārnāk kalpot pie mums, paraksta mūsu mācītāja solījumu. Taču Māris teica: “Es esmu solījies Jēzum Kristum un nevienam cilvēkam nekādus solījumus neparakstīšu!” Tā nu viņš desmit gadus kalpoja Mērsragā kā viesmācītājs. Mēs pie tā pieradām un aizmirsām. Taču nesen caur draugiem es uzzināju, ka īstenībā tāds stāvoklis Māri skumdina, un mēs bīskpu kolēģijā runājām, ka solījums ir priekš cilvēka, nevis cilvēks priekš solījuma. Apmeklējot Māri jau slimnīcā, es viņam jautāju, vai viņš tomēr gribētu, lai viņu uzņem mūsu mācītāju sarakstā, kam viņš ar entuziasmu piekrita un priecīgs saņēma uzņemšanas rakstu. Tagad atskatoties, tas šķiet daudz par vēlu. Atskatoties jāatzīst, ka viss bija kā Jēzus līdzībā par dēliem, kurus tēvs sūta darbā tīrumā. Viens dēls saka: “Jā, jā, es iešu”, bet nekur neaiziet. Otrs dēls saka: “Nē, es neiešu”, tomēr aiziet un izdara. Bija mācītāji, kas atbrauca un solījumu parakstīja, bet darīja, ko paši gribēja. Māris neparakstīja, bet sirsnīgi un uzticīgi kalpoja Mērsraga draudzē desmit gadus.

Taču, protams, ar Māri nebija tā, kā ar citiem mācītājiem. Draudze atceras jubilejas dievkalpojumu, kurā piedalījās ekumeniskie viesi, garīdznieki no citām baznīcām. Sadraudzības brīdī pie bākas Māris viņiem izdalījis priekšautus ar uzrakstu: “Kalpoju ar prieku” un licis dalīt kafiju svētku dalibniekiem. Draudzes talkās Māris ar humoru aicināja visus uz darbu “Ja Tu gribi pīrādziņu, tad atnāc vispirms pastrādāt”. Viņš pats piedalījās visās talkās. Kā saimnieks, ar neiztrūkstošo, kūpošo cigāru. Pagājušā gada Baznīcu nakts pasākumā bija ļoti karsts. Māris  šortos sēdēja pie sakristejas durvīm, sagaidīja apmeklētājus, sacīdams: “Ja gribat pīrādziņu, tad ejiet pa šīm durvīm, ja nē, tad ejiet apkārt pa oficiālo ieeju”. Tie, kas nebija viņu agrāk redzējuši, bijuši pārsteigti, ka tas ir slavenais Ķirsons. Māra sprediķi bija neierasti īsi, taču asprātīgi un saturīgi. Tajos vienmēr bija kāds āķīgs jautājums, kas lika domāt, kāds grauds, kuru paņemt līdzi lai dīgst un nes augļus vēlāk.

Taču īstenībā Mārim nebija vienkārši te iedzīvoties. Viņš bija cīnījies par Latvijas brīvību kā reti kurš. Daudziem vēl ir atmiņā 1980. gada demonstrācija Madridē, kur starptautiska kongresa laikā Māris burtiski lēja asinis uz padomju karoga, protestējot pret to, ko okupanti dara ar viņa dzimteni. Fotoattēli ar viņu nonāca pasaules laikrakstos un kļuva par nozīmīgu manifestāciju, līdzīgi kā vēlāk Baltijas ceļš. Taču, dzīvojot Latvijā, viņam bija grūti pieņemt, ka Latvija, ko viņš bija atstājis un par kuru tā cīnījās, nebija tāda, kādu viņš bija domājis atrast. Viņš bieži salīdzināja to ar Kanādu vai Ameriku, un tas ne vienmēr bija Latvijai par labu. Mašīnā braucot, Māris mēdza klausīties dziesmu, un dungot līdzi: “Tautietis svešumā klīst, no tēvu zemes dzīts…”

Klausoties atmiņas par Māri var likties pārsteidzoši – viņš tik ļoti atšķīrās no Latvijā ierastā mācītāja tēla, tomēr kundze no Mērsraga saka: “Jūs man liekaties kā tāds īsts mācitājs” Kovboju zābakos, ar cigāru zobos, hokeja fans, gardēdis, dzīves baudītājs un joku plēsējs – varētu domāt, vai nu maz tādu ir redzēts. Bieži tie drīzāk krīt uz nerviem. Tomēr viens no tuvākajiem draugiem, Sandis, par viņu saka: Māris bija mans Tao(ceļš) vai varbūt bija vienkārši cilvēks, kurš gāja to pašu ceļu pirms manis, vai arī liktenīga sakritība vai mistisks mana ceļa lukturis. Viņam bija īpaša nozīme manā dzīvē. Viņš bija mans patiesais draugs. Izcils draugs.

Kad sarunas laikā žēlojoties sāc saprast cik smieklīgi izklausies, kad sāc saprast cik nobijies esi, kad sāc saprast cik tas patiesībā nav būtiski...kad neērta klusuma brīžos nerodas vajadzība mākslīgi meklēt tēmu sarunai un kad tai mirklī saproti, ka dzīvē viss ir labi un būs labi, jo ir tikai viena diena kas jāizdzīvo – ne divas, ne nedēļa, ne mēnesis, bet tikai 24 stundas un pēc tam vēl 24 bet ne vairāk. To Māris vispirms darīja pats, pats dzīvoja tā, kā ieteica citiem, pats rīkojās tā, kā ieteica rīkoties, pats zināja savus vājumus un tikumus un tos ne izcēla ne slēpa. Māris neatteica tikšanos, viņš bija tuvumā, kad vien bija vajadzīgs. Cigārs un latte ar mācītāja kungu… kur pat neapzinies ka tā ir gan grēksūdze, gan vēlme redzēt apliecinājumu, ka kāds klausās ar vieglu galvas mājienu un saprotošu rokas žestu. Tā mēdza būt tāda dziedinoša sajūta kas pārņēma satikšanās reizēs. Viņa gudrība un viedums paliks atmiņās, kā pamācošs piemērs, par ko vienmēr būsim pateicīgi. Tā saka Sandis.

Kundze no Mērsraga un Sandis lūkojās dziļāk par neierasto ārieni, tāpat Mārtiņš un, protams, Irēna, ar kuru līdzās pavadīti 11 gadi. Visi, kam Māris bija mīļš un kurus viņš bija pielaidis sev gana tuvu, redzēja, ka aiz brīžiem izaicinošās anturāžas ir kas vairāk. Daudz vairāk. Tādēļ tā likās drīzāk pievilcīga nevis piedauzīga kā mēdz būt tad, ja aiz tās nekā cita nav. Man liekas, ka tas bija tādēļ, ka Māris bija godīgi ielūkojies savā dzīvē, izpratis to un izdarījis secinājumus – pareizus, glābjošus, dzīvību nesošus secinājumus, kuri dara brīvu. Viņš nenoliedza un neslēpa dzīves posmu alkohola atkarībā. “Tā bija ellīga dzīve”, viņš godīgi teica. Viņš zināja, ka daudziem ar to nodarīja pāri, tostarp pašiem tuvākajiem. Viņš apzinājās, ka nekad nespēs to izlabot. Taču Māris atrada ceļu laukā, brīvībā. Gluži kā stāstā par Jāzepu, kas bedrē iemests un nāvei nolemts, no tās izkļūst un top par glābiņu brāļiem, tā Māris, izkļuvis no atkarības bedres, daudziem palīdzēja izrauties brīvībā. Savu grūto pieredzi viņš vērta par ieguvumu un dāvanu savai dzimtenei, iedibinot šeit Minesotas programmu. Daudzi viņam ir sūtījuši pateicības par saviem skaidrības gadiem.

Es tā domāju – varbūt Māris savā ziņā tīšām centās neiekļauties ierastajā mācītāja tēlā, lai ārēji izpaustu iekšēju piedzīvojumu, dziļu garīgu atziņu – cik ļoti viņam ir vajadzīgs Glābējs. Ka viņam pašam nav nekā, ko viņš uzskata par pietiekami svētu un baltu, lai to ar pašapziņu nestu Dieva priekšā. Gluži kā par sevi teica apustulis Pāvils, ka visu, ar ko viņš varētu lepoties, viņš uzskata par mēsliem ieguvuma dēļ, ko dod tas, ka viņš ir atzinis Kristu, jeb pareizāk – ka Kristus ir atzinis viņu. Jo tiešām, ielūkojoties savas dzīves spogulī, ne Māris, ne kāds no mums tur redzētu ko tādu, ar ko pietiek, lai stāvētu Dieva priekšā. 

Es to dzirdēju no viena cita kanādiešu teologa, bet tas varētu būt arī piemērs no Māra sprediķa: Dieva likumi un baušļi ir spogulis, kurā mēs ieraugām, cik tālu esam no svētuma, kuru no mums gaida Dievs. Ko mēs darām, ja ieraugām, ka esam netīri? Mēs taču necenšamies notīrīties ar spoguli, bet ieejam dušā! Tā duša ir Glābējs, mūsu Kungs Jēzus Kristus. Viņš mūsu vietā nodzīvoja to svēto, nevainojamo, Dievam pilnīgi paklausīgo dzīvi, kuru mēs nespējām un bieži arī negribējām dzīvot. Viņš pie krusta izpirka visu mūsu ellīgo dzīvi un ietērpj savā svētumā tos, kas viņam tic un top Kristīti.

Cigārs, slēpes vai krembrulē var nebūt priekš mums. Ne to Māris mēģināja mums iemācīt – bet pašu svarīgāko – cik ļoti mums katram ir vajadzīgs Glābējs. Kristus. Gardēdis? Austeru cienītājs? Kaķu un ziedu mīļotājs? Kādēļ gan ne? Jo tā ir patiesība, ka Dievs nenogurstoši pūlas mūsu labā, sākot no galaktiku rotācijas līdz zieda uzplaukšanai Latgales dārzā. Vēl vairāk – Dievs ne tikai sniedz savas dāvanas. Dievs tajās mums pasniedz pats sevi. Droši vien ir riskanti to teikt, bet es domāju… varbūt savam gaišajam dumpiniekam, savam bērnam Mārim Dievs sevi pasniedza arī tajā cigārā? Jo Dieva ceļi pie cilvēka ir noslēpumaini un Viņš ir atrodams katrā pieredzē, kas cilvēkam palīdz būt pateicīgam, slavēt Dievu un kalpot dvēselēm sev lidzās. Meklēsim viņu arī mēs, jo Dievs ir atrodams visās lietās.

Apustulis Pāvils teica: “Dzīvot man ir Kristus un mirt man ir ieguvums.” Tiem, kas Kristū ir satvēruši mūžīgās dzīvības apsolījumu, viņa doma ir labi saprotama. To, ko neviena acs nav redzējusi, neviena auss nav dzirdējusi un kas nav nācis neviena cilvēka sirdī – to Dievs ir sagatavojis tiem, kas viņu mīl. Tomēr pati miršana, vecuma nespēks un slimība var būt grūta. Arī par to Māris teica savu slaveno: “Man šitais sāk apnikt.” Taču tikai vienu reizi teica, ka vēlas mirt. Bet vispār viņš ar šķelmīgu smaidu atkārtoja: “Es esmu neuzveicams!” Un tā arī ir. Apustulis Pāvils taču teica: “Tiem, kas ir Jēzū Kristū, nav nekādas pazudināšanas.”

Cik Māra dzīve bija spilgta un notikumiem bagāta, tik aiziešana uz Tēva mājām bija klusa un mierīga. Kā Dievmātes aizmigšanas ikonā – teica Irēna. Arī par to – pateicība Dievam.

Mūsu palīdzība ir Kunga vārdā, kas ir radījis debesis un zemi. Ar mieru mēs novēlam Māri Ķirsonu tavās, debesu Tēvs, rokās. Ne viņa paša taisnības dēļ, ne arī mūsu taisnības dēļ, bet mūsu Kunga Jēzus Kristus vārdā, kā vārdā Tu esi apsolījis mūs uzklausīt.



lasīt tālāk

trešdiena, 2024. gada 25. decembris

Seeing God and yourself in the true light (Christmas, 2024)


Beloved of Christ, I warmly greet you on Christmas, celebrating the Nativity of the Lord Jesus Christ!  "I bring you good news of great joy that will be for all the people, for today in the city of David a Savior has been born to you, who is Christ the Lord [1].” 

This is what the angels say to the shepherds in the fields of Bethlehem. Pay attention - they say "for all the people." For humanity, the birth of Christ is as great an event as the world's creation and as our birth is for each of us. On our birthday, we light candles on a cake – ten, thirty, fifty, seventy, if someone is strong, then eighty or ninety [2].

During the celebration of the birth of Christ, millions of candles and lamps are lit around the world, but they do not count the years. They aim to help us see the baby Jesus in the true light. In a beautiful, joyful, warm, glowing and heavenly light. There is much more in him than meets the eye. In him dwells all the fullness of God [3]. With him came the Way, the Truth and the Life [4].

Many of Jesus’ contemporaries could not understand who Jesus was. They saw just a child growing up before their eyes. They saw a young man who lived in their city. When Jesus began to say extraordinary things about himself, they could not believe it. Sometimes they even got angry. To this day, many view Jesus that way.

Right here in Dome Square, hundreds of people walked through the market during Advent, feasted on delicacies, listened to music, drank mulled wine, and participated in a charity marathon. Many probably saw a scene of Bethlehem somewhere, the kind that churches usually display at Christmas, and looked at the figure of the baby Jesus – a child as a child. But each candle in the Christmas tree shows light so that one can see – there, in the stable of Bethlehem, your heaven was born. There, in the manger, your paradise rests.

As Ukraine is torn apart by war, the joy of Christmas seems fragile to many. This is reinforced by the news from Germany of an attack on an Advent market. It seems that it takes so little for the miracle of Christmas to fade like a flash or an illusion.

But let us listen more carefully to the angel’s message: The joy and wonder of Christmas is that “ to you, a Savior has been born today.”  A saviour is not needed in carefree moments of joy with mulled wine and gingerbread. Rescuers go to places where there is collapse, misfortune, catastrophe. Where people are buried under rubble. No one is expected there as much as rescuers. Nothing is more joyful than the arrival of rescuers. The selflessness and courage of rescuers to go into the ruins, risking their own lives and saving someone else, is like the miracle that is celebrated at Christmas. No one has greater love than this when someone lays down their life for their friends [5].

But the real miracle of Christmas is a selfless and courageous God who comes as a saviour to give his life for you and to save you from every collapse. This is not a fragile joy. This is the only joy that remains when the world is in ruins. We need to see Christmas in its true light. Christ is born.

The Delfi news portal had some interesting numbers to read. 70% of Latvians think that Christmas is too commercialised. In Latvian, this means that the event of Christ's birth is mostly used for profit. The baby Jesus is buried under gift boxes. Bells jingle everywhere, bells jingle so loudly that the angel's message can no longer be heard.

Commercialisation did not happen by itself. For decades, both during the occupation and in free Latvia, there have been targeted efforts to purge public life of the presence of Christ – from Christian teaching in schools, from symbols in public places, reducing the time of Christian programs in the media, and talking about Christian versus Latvian Christmas – as if the participants in the Christmas Eve services were not Latvians.

It reminds me of Yellowstone, the world's first national park. In the first decades of the twentieth century, a disaster began to brew there. Nature was depleted, rivers washed away their banks, and many species of living creatures disappeared. This was caused by deer - relatives of Santa Claus's sleigh reindeer - which had multiplied and gnawed all the bushes and trees in the valleys and along the river banks.

In an attempt to save the park, scientists released fourteen Canadian wolves, which had previously been eradicated from almost all of America, into it. The incredible happened. The wolves did what hunters could not – they changed the behaviour of the deer. They began to avoid the valleys and could no longer carelessly graze on the riverbanks. Trees began to grow there again and songbirds returned to them. The rivers no longer washed away their banks and became clearer.

The beavers returned. They restored the wetlands, where frogs, fish, insects, birds – all kinds of life – began to live. Even bears returned because the berry bushes grew abundantly again. There were fewer coyotes now, which gave a chance for mice and other small animals – and therefore also falcons, owls, foxes, and weasels.

As coastal erosion decreased, fewer bridges and roads needed to be repaired. Even farmers who had opposed the return of wolves recognized that their pastures had improved and learned to profit from wolf watchers. The economic benefits are estimated at close to a hundred billion dollars—not bad for fourteen wolves that no one wanted. It turned out that they even affected the Yellowstone supervolcano. The roots of the new trees were eroding the soil that had been compacted by deer, which affected the distribution of heat underground. And notice that people didn’t try to put a protective screen on every tree, which would be impossible. They put back into the mosaic the missing piece that they had removed before.

Of course, the wolf is not a common Christmas figure. Christ is not a wolf. Christ is the Lamb of God. But we must be careful not to try to remove him from our mosaic. Just think – if a dozen wolves could influence even a volcano underground, how deeply and comprehensively does the Son of God influence our lives?! The Apostle John writes:

“God has given us eternal life, and this life is in his Son. He who has the Son has life, and he who does not have the Son of God does not have life.”[6]

What a radical difference – is the baby Jesus present at our Christmas or not? Is Christ present in the fabric of our daily lives or not? How profound are the consequences and how many different areas of our lives his presence or his absence reaches! So that the miracle of Christmas does not fade away like a beautiful illusion, the Christ born in Bethlehem must have his place in our lives. Without him, we cannot succeed. Without him, the joy and peace that surpasses the world do not dwell within us [7].

At Christmas, so many candles and lights are lit so that we can see God in his true light. If we think of God as a fierce and vengeful tyrant who is just looking for a reason to throw sinners into hell, then we are not seeing him rightly. We see God rightly when we look at the baby Jesus and see the kind heart of a loving Father.

As we sing the beautiful “Silent Night, Holy Night,” let’s pay attention to the line: “Christ the Savior is come!” What does this mean?

In the movie “Luther,” which I recommend watching at the end of the year, Martin Luther says something like this: “When the devil throws your sins in your face and says that you deserve death and hell, then answer him: “I admit that I deserve it. But I know one who lived a holy life in my place and atoned for my sins on the cross. I know my Savior Jesus Christ. Where he is, there I will be also.”

Looking at Jesus with eyes of faith, we see that there is much more than “a child as a child.” My Savior! The great, unfading joy. The joy of angels. The joy of men. The blessed balance, when Glory to God in the highest and on earth peace to people with whom he is pleased [8]. In Him we see the light of the world, following which we will not walk in darkness, but will have the light of life [9].

After we have seen Christmas and God in the right light, look at yourself in the same way! There is much more in you than you think. There is something so important in you, something so precious and wonderful, that God was born into the world and took on the difficulties of earthly life - just to find you and to save the treasure that is in you. Do you know what it is? Do you embrace it? Does it seem as valuable to you as it does to God? What path will you take to save it, protect it, purify it and perfect it? Christmas is a reminder of the future – you don't have to be a prisoner of your past because Christ, the Saviour, is here!

When times of danger bring worries, when life seems out of balance, when bad things happen when attachment to destructive things is tormenting, when joy and peace of mind are lacking at home – before trying to solve each tangle, we must first look at the root. Have I not removed the most important piece from my puzzle – the presence of the living Son of God? He was born for us and we must seek him – in the Holy Scriptures, in the sacraments, in prayer, in the church, in festivals and our daily experiences.

This year, during the Christmas charity marathon “Give Five,” people made an especially large donation to their fellow humans afflicted with illnesses. There is great joy in heaven and on earth for this. It is easy to be generous at Christmas. To give and not ask for anything in return. Because God is generous at Christmas. He gives himself even to those who do not ask or seek. Even to those who do not dig deep and are happy only with a Christmas tree, mulled wine, and gingerbread. He gives himself to the whole world. Maybe someone behind the Christmas trees and gifts will see that the Saviour has been born. And maybe… maybe some of them will suddenly realise how much their own life differs from the way Jesus lived. Maybe they will seek to be more like Christ and find the path to truth and life. That is why God gives generously and without reproach at Christmas.[10]

As we light our Christmas lights, let us remember that they shine so that we may see God and ourselves in the true light. In the light of faith.




[1] Luke 2:10

[2] Psalm 90:10

[3] Col 1:9

[4] John 14:6

[5] John 15:13

[6]1 John 5:11

[7] John 14:27

[8] Luke 2:14

[9] John 8:12

[10]  James 1:5

lasīt tālāk

pirmdiena, 2024. gada 18. novembris

Master, where dwellest thou?


Master, where dwellest thou?

(November 18, 2024)


John 1:35-39 “Again the next day after John stood, and two of his disciples; And looking upon Jesus as he walked, he saith, Behold the Lamb of God! And the two disciples heard him speak, and they followed Jesus. Then Jesus turned, and saw them following, and saith unto them, What seek ye? -- They said unto him, Master, where dwellest thou? He saith unto them, Come and see. They came and saw where he dwelt, and abode with him that day.”

Christ's beloved people of Latvia and dearly honored friends, partners and guests of our country - I greet all of us on the 106th anniversary of the Republic of Latvia! In the long centuries of our history, the period of freedom has been short. Let us thank God that we are chosen to live in it. Let's thank the previous generations who won a free Latvia in a difficult war of liberation and in an inspiring struggle of the Awakening [1]. Let's thank everyone who built it with hard work. Let's thank those who build Latvia in our days and protect it! Let's help them to the best of our ability and pray to God for them!

We start the celebration with a service in the Church of St. Mary's of Riga. This church is a symbolic center of crystallization of the Latvian nation. The presence of the Church of Christ contributed to the consolidation of the diverse and often conflicting Baltic and Livonian tribes into one Latvian nation in the Western cultural area. There are historians who think that gatherings of churches of Moravian Brethern were a place where Latvians learned to assemble in order to later decide for themselves about their lives in the Saeima of the Republic of Latvia. The great Latvian song festival grew from the singing festival in Dikli parish.

However, in our days, it is not entirely self-evident to start a national day with a church service. A different view of our life and world events has been voiced here. This is not possible in every country. This makes me feel joy and pride for our Latvia.

Because isn't that the freedom we fought for, that a person can have his own thoughts, which he can express openly? That we still have the opportunity to freely talk about different ideas? Freedom to think and talk is at the beginning of every freedom. The people interred Gunārs Astra with their bare hands in the hope that such a power would no longer come to Latvia, forcing people not to believe their eyes and ears and to remain silent. Let us protect freedom and use it for the glory of God and the good of our country.

Since independence, it has been my honor to address you on national holidays. This year is the last time I do it. From everything that I would wish to say, I have to choose the most important.

Have any of you heard Billie Holiday's "Fine and Mellow"? The captivating blues voice poignantly tells about a dysfunctional life. Then the saxophone joins in with a soft jazz melody. It is taken over by the trumpet - so light, so airy and beautiful that when listening, you can close your eyes, forget all your worries and let yourself be enthralled into a bittersweet world of hope. The blues is made to get over heartache and hopelessness.

It reminds me of modern society. We have allowed ourselves to be enthralled by the tune of hope that humanity is constantly progressing, growing in love and wisdom, and moving towards an ever more prosperous future where all will be equally included and in a reconciled diversity living in friendship, respect and love for one another. Accordingly, in education, culture, and media, we gradually created a living space for ourselves, which is suitable for life in prosperous and peaceful times where there is no real danger; where the only enemy is the dissenter who can hurt our feelings; where a person can afford to be a sensitive individual, whose priority is not to take responsibility, for example, to get married, raise children or protect his or her country, but to exercise their personal freedom and chosen identity as fully as possible. Because we live in the 21st century.

But this century has begun to sound not like a jazz trumpet, but rather like an angel's trumpet from the Book of Revelation, or the Apocalypse. It cannot be ignored, it requires immediate attention - wake up, look around! See if your choices are suitable for survival in the world that is coming upon you.

The war in Ukraine continues for a thousand days. The battles in the Holy Land and the Middle East continue for more than a year. Terrorists attack peaceful citizens. Countries attack their neighbours and exchange missiles. Cities are destroyed, and people are killed. We must embrace the reality that peace within our borders is not self-evident. Rather, it is a privilege to know that your house will not be destroyed tonight and your family will not be killed in sleep.

In the movie Gladiator, there's a scene where Maximus stands in the middle of the arena waiting for the battle and says to his comrades, "Whatever comes through that gate, we have a better chance of survival if we work together!" However, the Western world, including Latvia, is becoming more and more contradictory. We make it so with our choices.

There is another war, "The Front in Father's Backyard."[2] When there was an assassination attempt against President Donald Trump, historian and publicist Mark Solonin said that such events are moments when the cold war, which has been going on in the Western world for more than a decade, turns into a hot one for a moment. In our supposedly peaceful and safe society, every now and then there is a flash of violence and destruction, which indicate contradictions growing in the depths.

One of the most important events of the year was the opening ceremony of the Olympic Games, where millions of people around the world saw for a moment the scene of Leonardo da Vinci's "The Last Supper". Ghostly drag queens took the place of the Lord Jesus and the apostles at the table. In place of the sacramental wine cup, the blue and naked pagan god of wine, Dionysus. The resemblance was not photographic, however, we read the text easily even when the syllables are in a mixed order.

You might say, “It was just a show!” However, let's think again. It was the West's message to the world about the vision of the future. It did not arise by chance, but expressed the Zeitgeist.

Allegedly, the intention of the scene was to depict a celebration of inclusion, in which everyone is invited and participates. It's a beautiful idea that's easy to sell. However, in the symbolic scene among the participants of the celebration, did you also notice someone in, for example, blue jeans and a checkered shirt? There was no place for this at the feast of inclusivity.

This year, various elections were held both in Europe and America. The news about the results was received just like news from the front. Many felt overwhelmed and desperate. An alarming turn to the right is said to have occurred. What will happen now to Europe, to NATO, to Ukraine, to us? Politics is often like a pendulum. It moves left, right and back. It has always been so. Why such apocalyptic feelings now?

Let's think, isn't the turn so drastic because the ordinary person with his values, which were natural and understandable to previous generations, was not invited to the celebration of future inclusion? That the normal, healthy person no longer finds a place for himself in such a future and does not want such to be prepared for his children? Hasn't the path of Western democracy, which for many years served as an example for nations, become too extravagant, and they no longer see an attractive future in it?

The "Last Supper" scene in the Olympic Games is said to have been inspired by another work of art about the feast of the ancient gods. Seeing both paintings side by side, it is hard to tell which of them the scene resembled more. And that seemed to be the clearest message.

For two millennia, the Lord's Supper has been a way for Western society to build communion - bringing diversity into unity at the Lord's Supper, which is at the centre of the church, at the centre of the city, at the centre of the community and at the centre of Christian nations. It has been the Great Attractor of Western culture - as the centre of gravity in the universe towards which our Milky Way moves along with a hundred thousand other galaxies.

The festival of Dionysus has the opposite direction. Their element was "sparagmos" or tearing, where the participants of the feast tore into pieces an animal or even a person - like Orpheus, who was torn to pieces by raging bacchantes during the feast. The festival of Dionysus emphasizes the different, the ambiguous, the various.

If someone wants to fundamentally change Western society, dissolve the existing identity and create a new one - universal, non-binary, transhuman, where everything is uncertain and fluid, then it is clear why the Lord's Supper should be symbolically merged with the bacchanalia. That is why the unifying sacrament should be replaced by one that increases ambiguity, emphasizes difference and expands everything into a rainbow of diversity.

It can sound alluring like a jazz trumpet, albeit telling a story about a dysfunctional life. But the 21st century sounds more like the seventh angel's trumpet. Maximus said, “We will survive if we stick together.” Dionysus cannot unite. He is the god of diversity. Under his auspices, the civilization of death receives the mantle of freedom and rights. Dionysus cannot be Sauron's adversary, only prey. Is that the side that truly liberal people want to stand on?

Many Christians want to be on the opposite side, but where is it? It could seem natural to look for it in lands that resist all of it. In countries whose leaders say, "We are a Christian nation." We even know of a country where it is done, and many Western conservatives take it seriously. They see Russia as an ally in the cultural cold war and are willing to turn a blind eye to crimes in Ukraine and the trampling of freedom in Russia itself. But the Lord Jesus said: "Why do you call me Lord, Lord, but do not do what I tell you?"

The Russian regime praises Christian values but instils hatred and aggression in its people. It extols Christian virtues but tortures, imprisons and kills opponents. It stands for family and traditional marriage but invades a neighbouring country to rob and rape. It supports Christian projects, but destroys churches in Ukraine, kills people on an industrial scale and destroys the future of millions of people. I recently saw a young man on a plane wearing a T-shirt with the words "Cannon fodder" written on it in Russian. Would that be the side where Christians and conservatives would want to stand? Sauron is not an ally. He is unable to create a free, Christian, life-sustaining society. He is the Lord of chains and darkness.

Latvia should not perceive itself as one that must choose between Dionysus or Sauron, but rather as Odysseus' ship, which must find its way home between Scylla and Charybdis. Then we could show it and recommend it to friends.

Discussing sensitive questions, we often hear the argument that we are behind, that other European countries have been doing this for a long time. However, we should think critically that maybe we are not behind, but we are trying to maintain balance and inner peace. Values ​​are not something that can be given away in a decision to others. If we don't stand up for our values, who else will? New ideas are needed, but we must be careful of the chaos they can cause.

The correct answer to one extreme is almost never the opposite extreme. When the ideological pendulum swings into the extreme positions, whether to the right or to the left, it splits and destroys many things, which are difficult to heal afterwards. Love fades in many and spitefulness, disrespect and alienation increase. In any case, Latvia does not have to walk along the entire path of the pendulum there and then back. It is more important for us to stay and act together. Every important step should be considered with such a yardstick.

Also, our beloved Latvian language should unite and not alienate. Both in the media and in private conversations, you can often hear the thought: "We are all different, each one has his own truth." It comes as easy and simple as “eerrmm”, which we use to fill the pauses. In fact, it should worry and frighten us. Is it really that bad? If we are each on our own, if we have nothing in common, how will we work together? How will we survive in the 21st century?

Christmas will soon be here and the usual phrases will be heard in the media: “Christian Christmas and Latvian Christmas. Christian customs and Latvian customs." With one sentence, the nation is divided into Latvians and Christians. Deliberately or thoughtlessly, Christians are being alienated from Latvianness. It was fitting to the occupying power, but does it fit to ourselves in the 21st century? Maybe we should say, for example, Christian and ethnographic customs, if we don't want to say "pagan"?

These may not be the most important examples, but language often thinks for us. We have to be attentive to the assumptions we live with daily.

We should also consider whether families are not alienated and generations are not disrupted when in schools and even in kindergartens attempts are made to circumvent the parents and to introduce ideas that are not acceptable in the family. Doesn't it increase bitterness towards the state and stir up the "cold war" at home? Is that really the priority in the days of the seventh angel's trumpet?

When some controversial law is passed, reproachful glances are directed towards the Saeima or the government. But decisions do not happen by chance. They come from the depths, where there are values, culture, media policy and most importantly - education. Education should form a foundation on which we can all stand. This is a security priority for the 21st century.

Many times I have had to say a prayer among people who are not regular churchgoers. Then I usually pray "Our Father" and I find that almost everyone says it along. It is a beautiful and unifying moment of togetherness. From a personal belief or from a cultural tradition, but there is something we all know and do together. Like singing folk songs. This is the very minimum of mental competence. Does the competence education that we have introduced provide it to the new generations of Latvia? Will they have something to say together?

During the Awakening it was simple. We, the different ones, had one common thought:

- We do not ask for freedom for the Motherland - we demand it!

- We do not ask for life for the Motherland - we demand it! [3]

We worked together, we survived, we won and we gained freedom. It's not simple anymore. We are no longer of the same mind. We have a front in our father's backyard and a great war on our borders. At that moment, a common principle and foundation is especially necessary.

Instead of mocking and demonizing each other, we should go to the sources with open hearts and minds to think through the basics without anger, objectively and together:

- What is humanity? Where does human dignity come from?

- What is freedom and how to implement it?

- What is community and how to live it?

- What is good, beautiful, true and holy?

- What brings and increases life and what is its purpose?

Sounds utopian. Under normal circumstances, people don't tend to do that. But we live in the 21st century, and that is a sufficient reason to do something unusual.

It is clear that facts cannot lead directly to values. There should always be a framework of interpretation in between. Where to get one? The Holy Scriptures, or the word of God, speak a lot about the basics. In Western culture, the biblical writings were the framework for interpretation during the centuries when it became a great civilization. Once they were put aside, it didn't take long for the West to start talking about its decline and questioning the legitimacy of its culture.

The misfortune from which many of our problems grow is that we hear and see God less and less. Just as in the reading about Samuel: "The word of the Lord was rare in those days, and revelations were not looked upon." This led to decline until Samuel heard God's voice and as a prophet led the people into the light.

One of the greatest assets of any nation is good leaders. Therefore, the church prays for our leaders and their service every Sunday. The Bible describes great leaders - Moses, Samuel, apostles Peter and Paul. They were different people in different times, but they had something in common. They heard God and led their people to the promised land or the nations of the world to the kingdom of God.

A child learns to speak from what he hears. A deaf child does not learn to pronounce sounds correctly. Here in Latvia, we carefully listen and quickly learn the language of the prosperous, secular world, but we hear God less and less. Many problems arise from that. 

British philosopher Roger Scruton writes in his book The Face of God that the culture of atheism seeks to escape the judging eye. Have you ever stood in front of an icon and felt the eyes of Christ judging and weighing you? Quite an unsettling feeling.

Society, accustomed to living in peace and abundance, shuns the judging eye and, therefore blotts out God's face with consumerism and pleasure-seeking. But people read each other's faces and perceive unspoken meanings. In the face of God, they read the signs of their identity, their vocation and their freedom. Blotting out God's face also tarnishes their face as human beings created in the image of God. This increases the feeling of emptiness and aimlessness.

There is no need to run away from God's gaze! It evaluates and weighs to heal and to edify. It was not God's desire to judge and punish that led Christ to the cross, but His desire to justify and save. God so loved the world that he gave his Son, that whoever believes in him should not perish but have eternal life. In your place, he lived a holy and blameless life to clothe you in it, to restore you to the likeness of God and bring you into eternal joy. The Latvian language is especially valuable to us because we can best understand the good news in it.

Why do you think people belong to church and go to church services, even though it is often cold there in winter? Is it because they believe in fairy tales or are they afraid of punishment? No, but because it makes them happy. They have been captivated by the beauty of Christ's personality. It is beautiful to live with God. It gives meaning to suffering and gives hope in loss. It is a great comfort to go through trials with the Risen Christ!

People are sometimes put off by words like "commandment" or "dogma". But it is called a conversation where I, the variable, converse with the unchanging and eternal, in whose likeness I am created. I am learning to participate in the life of the One who has called all things out of nothingness into existence. If I listen, the conversation is informative and interesting.


Now now I know who I am

Now I know why I live

Now I know what I have to do

And with God everything is possible.

This is really exciting. Therefore, people belong to the church - to live together with the saints and prophets in a thousand-year, continuous, spiritual and intellectual tradition. It is good to live with God.

The Lord Jesus once said to a deaf and dumb man: "Be opened!" and he began to hear and speak clearly. Turns out he had something to say! And he was understood! One word of Christ brought him to an unprecedented intimacy with his own. The word of Christ united the various tribes in the territory of modern Latvia into one nation. The word of Christ called people to a community, which is often called Christian civilisation, where people from different languages, races and climate zones understood each other in basic matters. This happens when people do not talk much about God and instead of God but hear the voice of Christ and follow it.

The English actor and writer Stephen Fry once said that Winston Churchill, with his character, heroism and power as prime minister, was blessed to go to the Queen once a week, bow and give a report. One does not have to look far to see how a ruler goes astray when he is accountable to no one, and the high priest comes to him to bow, flatter, and submit. The higher the position and the greater the power, the more important it is to hear the voice of the Most High and to feel the responsibility before him.

May Christ's word: "Be open!" come to us on Latvia's birthday! May it make us hear God so that we can speak clearly. As in the poem by Imants Ziedonis:

And even if some gateway

Will stink of iniquity

Cry out: I only have one heart!

Cry out and you will be heard.

Søren Kierkegaard said - the saint is the one whose heart longs for only one thing. By that, he meant for God. It doesn't matter whether a statesman, a politician, an official, a bishop, an opinion leader, a Latvian or a Russian - a leader according to God's will is the one whose heart longs for only one thing. For "God bless Latvia!" There we can work together.

The disciples of John the Baptist asked Jesus: "Teacher, where do you live?" Jesus answered, "Come and see." And they stayed with him that day.

Beloved of Christ, today I address you for the last time on the national day and I want to remind you of the most important thing. We, like John's disciples, must always ask the Lord Jesus: " Master, where dwellest thou?" In the tension between Dionysus and Sauron, between Scylla and Charybdis, the right place to stay and build a home is where Christ dwells. Around him we can be together and thrive. Jesus said, "Come and see." Indeed, let's come and see how our lives will change. May God bless us! 

[1] The liberation movement in the late eighties and early nineties of the 20th century which led to the independence of Latvia

[2] Latvian film (1984) about events in a family shortly after the Soviet occupation. One brother joins the Soviet regime, while the other fights against it as a national partisan.

[3] A popular patriotic song from the time of liberation.

lasīt tālāk

pirmdiena, 2023. gada 25. decembris

Ziemsvētki - priecīgie, skaistie, latviskie

























Sprediķis par 2.Moz 3:1-10 Rīgas Domā


Priecīgi ziemassvētki klāt!

Prieka zvans sāk gaisu tricināt.

Kristus ir dzimis, viss ienaids rimis -

Priecājies, priecājies, draudze!


Mīļās un pazīstamās ziemsvētku dziesmas! Ziemsvētki vispirms saistās ar prieku. “Priecīgus Ziemsvētkus!”, mēs sakām draugiem un pat svešiem cilvēkiem.


Mīļie gani, sakiet mums,

Kas šī prieka nosēpums?


Izrādās, ka priekam ir noslēpums! Noslēpumus vienmēr gribas izdibināt. Pavedienu var dot eglīte, ko greznojam baznīcās pilsētu laukumos un savās istabās. Mēs saliekam tajās gaismiņas, lai skaisti mirdz klusajā, svētajā naktī. Liesmiņās mirdzošai eglītei ir iespaidīgs pirmtēls Bībelē. Iedams pa tuksnesi, Mozus ierauga ērkšķu krūmu, kas deg, bet nesadeg. Tas viņu pārsteidz. Mozus zina, ka malka deg un sadeg. Katra degviela sadeg. Šis krūms nesadeg. Kas tas ir? Tā ir zīme. Ko tā var pateikt mums?


Ja kāds jautātu: “Kas ir Dievs”, ko jūs teiktu? Visparastākā atbilde būtu – Dievs ir augstākā būtne. Priecīgi no tā nekļūst. Dievs ir kaut kur augstu, līdz kurienei ir tāls un grūts ceļš. Antīkajā pasaulē domāja, ka  tas ir aiz mākoņiem Olimpa kalnā. Pirmie padomju kosmonauti lūkoja pēc Dieva kosmosā un ziņoja, ka neesot viņu redzējuši. Zondes ar informāciju par zemi un cilvēkiem ceļo ārpus Saules sistēmas robežām, bet nav ziņu ka tās būtu sasniegušas Dievu. Tad varbūt Dieva nemaz nav?


Tas var dot atvieglojuma sajūtu. Katra būtne pasaulē ieņem savu vietu barības ķēdē. Ja Dievs ir Augstākā būtne, tad mums ir maz izredžu tādā konkurencē. Franču filozofs Žans Pols Sartrs sprieda: “Ja Dievs ir, tad es neesmu brīvs. Bet es esmu brīvs, tātad Dieva nav.” Var iebilst, ka nez cik nu cilvēks ir brīvs kaut vai no savām tieksmēm, kas pašam nepatīk. Taču galvenā Sartra kļūda ir tā, ka viņš nav kā Mozus ievērojis, ka ērkšķu krūms nesadeg. Dievam nevajag degvielas. Dievs nav no pasaules. Viņš nav “augstākā būtne” barības ķēdē. Viņš vispār nav būtne. Dievs ir pats esmes akts, tās avots, kurā mēs visi dzīvojam, rosāmies un esam. Lai uz to norādītu, baznīcā svin Ziemsvētku oktāvu, jeb astoņas dienas. Septiņas nedēļas dienas ir no pasaules. Astoņas norāda uz pārpasaulīgo.


Dievam no pasaules neko nevajag. Dievam neko nevajag no tevis. Tu vari paturēt savu brīvību, viņš negrib tev to atņemt. Ja nu vienīgi tu pats atzīsi, ka uzticēt savu brīvību Dievam ir labākais lēmums, labākais dzīves scenārijs un pats viņam to piedāvāsi, tad viņš savā bezcēloņa laipnībā to pieņems. Taču, ja Dievs nav no pasaules un viņu neaizsniegs pat vistālākā kosmosa zonde, tad viņu nesasniegs arī ceļa gājējs, meklētājs. Neizklausās priecīgi. Dievam neko no manis nevajag? Tas drīzāk uzvēdī skumjas. Kas ir prieka noslēpums?


Kristus mīļotie, ļoti labi, ka Dievam no mums neko nevajag! Priecāsimies un līksmosim par to! Tas nozīmē, ka viņš negrib ar mums manipulēt. Viņam no tā nav nekāda labuma. Dievs mīl nesavtīgi. No tīras mīlestības nāca Ziemsvētki. Dievs Betlēmē piedzima kā cilvēks, lai tuvotos un sevi mums dāvinātu. Dievs nav sniegota virsotne aiz mākoņiem, kura jāsasniedz ar pūlēm un briesmām. Dievs ir helikoptera pilots, kurš meklē vietu, kur nolaisties tavā dvēselē un tavā dzīvē. Viņš jau ir tepat. To Ziemsvētkos jūtam ar katru šūnu. Prieka noslēpums ir Dieva tuvošanās. Ja esi kristīts, tad nosēšanās laukums ir jau izveidots. Tad tikai vajag to attīrīt no lūžņiem un drazām, lai Dievs varētu piezemēties.


Mūsu senči rīkoja mēslu talkas. Viņi no pieredzes zināja, ka kopīgiem spēkiem ir vieglāk dabūt mēslu čupas no kūts laukā. Tā arī mēs ziemsvētku vakarā sanākam kopā, lai lai attīrītu dvēseles un sagatavotu vietu Kristum, cits citu atbalstot ar dziesmām un lūgšanām. Kopīga lūgšana un dziesma ļoti palīdz. Baznīca ir tur, kur Dieva ļaudis cits citam palīdz turēt sirdi tīru Dievam. Ja sirds ir tīra Dievam, tajā ienāk debesu prieks. Baznīca ir prieka vieta.


Ziemsvētki ir ļoti, ļoti skaisti. Lai to izceltu, mēs rotājam ielas un mājas, iededzam eglītes. Mani pie Kristus vispirms aizveda skaistums. Baznīca parasti ir skaistākā celtne pilsētā vai ciemā. Mani piesaistīja baznīcā tapusī mūzika un mākslas darbi. Dievkalpojuma liturģija kā pieskāriens no debesīm vairoja manī dzīvību. Taču visvairāk valdzināja Kristus personība un viņa Labā vēsts. Pamazām atklāju, ka tā šajā zemē caurstrāvo visu  – kultūru, dzīves uztveri, attiecības un tikumus. Un ļāvos skaistajai Kristus vēstij, lai tā mani veido. Necilam ērkšķu krūmam, uz kuru ceļinieks pat nepaskatās, Dieva klātbūtne lika skaisti iemirdzēties pārpasaulīgās liesmās. Parastas, adatainas eglītes Ziemsvētkos iedegas, aicinot pamanīt brīnumu un doties tuvāk. Lai tevī, parastā cilvēkā, skaisti iemirdzas debešķīga gaisma.


Ziemsvētku tirdziņš Doma laukumā ir ierindots starp skaistākajiem Eiropā. Krāšņie skuju vārti, krāsainie tirgotavu jumti, gardās smaržas gaisā, ziemsvētku dziesmas, mirdzošā egle un fonā majestātiskais Doms. Cilvēki sarunājas, fotografējas, mielojas un acīmredzami izbauda skaisto vidi. Pilnīga Ziemsvēku ainava. Kristus dzimšana nāk ar skaistumu. Arī tā ir Dieva tīrās mīlestības izpausme. Droši vien būtu citādi, ja tā uzreiz nāktu, piemēram, ar to, kas ir patiess. Daudzi tūlīt saspurotos: “Es pats zināšu, kas ir patiess. Tev ir sava patiesība, man sava.” Vēl grūtāk, ja Dieva piedzimšana nāktu ar to, kas labs: “Vai tu saki, ka es esmu slikts? Kas tu tāds, lai man teiktu, ka es daru nepareizi?!”


Skaistums veido saudzīgi un neko nepārmezdams. Skaistums nevienu neapdraud. Tas izgaismo, bet nesadedzina. Ziemsvētki neko nepavēl un neko neaizliedz. Tie dāvina – bez nopelna, bez nosacījumiem vai manipulācijām. Tie nav vardarbīgi. Tie izlej savu skaistumu pār labiem un ļauniem, pār taisniem un netaisniem. Kādu tas savaldzinās. Kāds atsauksies un pievērsīsies skaistuma avotam, lai tuvāk to aplūkotu. Mēģinot attīrīt skatu, viņš nonāks arī pie tā, kas ir patiess un labs. Skaistums spēj dauz vairāk nekā likt kavēties Ziemsvētku tirdziņā. Kad Mozus tuvojās skaisti liesmojošajam krūmam, Dievs viņu apturēja, nosauca vārdā un sūtīja izvest tautu no verdzības. Līdz tam Mozus vienkārši dzina aitu baru pāri tuksnesim. Tālāk viņš devās kā vadonis, kas izraudzīts, lai izvestu savu tautu no verdzības uz apsolīto zemi. Viņa vārds uz mūžiem ir ierakstīts cilvēces vēsturē.


Betlēmes laukos gani dzirdēja eņģeļu dziesmu: “Gods Dievam augstībā un miers virs zemes cilvēkiem, uz ko Dievam labs prāts.” Otrā gadsimta Baznīcas skolotājs Lionas Irenējs izteica pārsteidzošu atziņu: “Dieva gods ir pilnīgi dzīvs cilvēks.” Mēs kļūstam pilnīgi dzīvi, kad Kristus skaistums mūs apstādina, sauc vārdā, izredz un sūta ar uzdevumu pasaulē. Tā ir Ziemsvētku dāvinātā iespēja, kas dzīvi dara pilnīgu un nāvi – jēgpilnu.


Visbeidzot, Ziemsvētki ir latviski. Patiešām! Gadu no gada esmu gaidījis, vai beidzot nemitēsimies mocīt un mežģīt latviešu valodu ar runām par kristīgajiem ziemsvētkiem un latviskajiem ziemsvētkiem. Vai meklējat latviskos ziemsvētkus? Lūk, te tie ir – tepat, Rīgas Domā! Tā tos svinēja mūsu vecvecāki, vec-vec-vecāki, un cik tālu jūs vien spējat izsekot saviem radurakstiem. Latviskāku Ziemsvētku par šiem nekur nav. Latviskuma saknes sniedzas dziļi Kristus dzimšanas notikumā un ir uzņēmušas sevī to, kas tajā skaists, patiess un labs. Sviniet, baudiet un neraizējieties! Klausieties Dieva balsi, lai jūsu vārdi uz mūžiem ir ierakstīti dzīvības grāmatā!

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